Anyone who wants soft to hardcore porn better turn away now, however, if you want to be dominated and become someone’s slave tonight that you better get in on the action now with Born2dome, she is a mistress of a life time when it comes to financial domination, money slaves are her expertise. She also loves to provide verbal and physical humiliation along with spanking and a whole lot more that we would be surprised if you could even handle half of what she puts out. Your reward if you can with stand it, is just the pleasure of serving her and being the best slave you can be.
Born2dome is 27 years old and likes both men and women, she is an extremely heaving smoker and when she isn’t performing on smoking webcams she is a manager of another business. If you want to turn this girl on than be committed to exactly what she asks of you, being that stupid submissive slave that she wants and she will admire everything about you. She’s curvy, a natural blonde and she loves kink and fetishes. Join in on some real dominate private action with Born2Dome now, it will be a night that you definitely will never forget.
26 February, 2012